Have You Called Your Senator Lately?
Our Senators are there to help us with any issues we might have with our government. Whether that’s on the local or national level, it’s your representative’s job to answer the call. With that said, why don’t more people call their Senators?
The truth is, most people just don’t know how. That’s where we come in. CallYourSenate.com connects you to your representatives so you can have your voice heard. As it turns out, there is a lot that calling your representatives can do and YES, even a single call matters. So, what can your Senator do for you?
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Your Senators work on legislation that affects the local, national, and international level. This makes them one of the best contacts you have in our government and yes, you do have them as a contact. Senators may appear out of touch, but their offices are just a phone call away. Calling your Senators is one of the best ways to hold the government accountable and to get your problems taken care of.
Senators can even help when the government is giving you the runaround. The “Too Long; Didn’t Read” Act of 2018, which simplifies government paperwork for all of us, was brought about by one single phone call to a representative. You have the power to reach your representatives and change the way they write the law. Your Senators are just one phone call away from listening to you?
Average Age of US Senators
of the US Senate are between 60 - 80+ years of age.
Average age of the US Senate
Of the total 100, 34 members of the U.S. Senate were between the ages of 60 and 69 – more than any other age group. If you add in the ages 70 – 80 +, 69% of the US Senate are between 60 – 80+ years of age.
The minimum age requirement to be a member of the Senate is 30, opposed to the House of Representatives which has a minimum age requirement of 25.
Local Issues
Your Senators are there to help their district both locally and on the national scale. Is there a new industrial development that threatens your favorite woodland or maybe the specifics of this year’s farm bill would leave you down and out? Your Senators are there to advocate on both the local and national level for the needs of their constituents.
Getting your representatives on the phone is still the best way to reach them. Snail mail winds up in the bin, emails are filtered by automated software, but phone calls still reach actual people in your Senator’s office.
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